Quarterly newsletter of the VIHeillir Project Edition N°3 | April to June 2022

July 10, 2023

The VIHeillir project is a pilot experiment whose aim is to guide health policy decisions. HIVeillir proposes to improve the care arrangements for PLHIV aged over 50 in Cameroon and Senegal by integrating the care of the five priority comorbidities during routine visits, adapting the strategies that have been proven to HIV care and making maximum use of existing arrangements between the clinic and the community. The project is implemented:    
           •    au Cameroun à l’Hôpital Militaire Yaoundé et à l’Hôpital de District de Bafia    
           •    in Senegal at the Regional Center for Research and Training in Clinical Care of Fann (CRCF), at the Outpatient Treatment Center (CTA) of the University Hospital of Fann and at the HIV Care Service of the AIDS program of the Armed Forces of Ouakam Military Hospital (OMH)    
The 5 comorbidities covered by the project are: diabetes, arterial hypertension, precancerous lesions of the cervix in women and hepatitis B and C    
The expected impact of the project is to reduce mortality and improve the quality of life of PLHIV over 50 years old. The beneficiaries of this project are PLHIV over the age of 50 who consult in the care services identified for the implementation of the project and the nursing staff (medical and paramedical) and community actors (identified associations).    

VIHeillir in AFRAVIH

From April 6 to 9 in Marseille, the VIHeillir teams took part in AFRAVIH, the largest French-speaking international conference on HIV, chronic viral hepatitis, sexual health/STIs and emerging infections.

Topics such as Covid-19, PMTCT and paediatrics, digital health, public health issues and community interventions were the focus of debate at this conference.  

Cameroon and Senegal were represented through abstracts accepted in oral presentations, for each country.    
The conference was an opportunity for a meeting between the VIHeillir teams (Cameroon, Senegal) and some managers from Expertise France, including Ms. Ange Meralli and Rebecca Gillard. The discussion allowed the sharing of the difficulties facing the project and was an opportunity to receive advice on the communication and advocacy strategies to be put in place.    
With regard to the VIHeillir project, Dr Saidou Modibo, head of monitoring/evaluation of the VIHeillir project in Cameroon, made a presentation entitled: “Aging in good health with HIV, characteristics of the elderly population on antiretroviral treatment in Cameroon and in Senegal and data on cardiovascular risk factors”.



This presentation took place within the framework of a session dedicated to aging, preceded by an interesting introduction by Dr Allavena. Then the presentations focused on the data of the aging PLHIV population in Côte Ivoire and on retention at more than 10 years in Senegal. The Côte Ivoire study on “Comorbidities, physical and social functioning and physical activity in adults over 40 years of age with and without HIV infection” was presented by Dr Etoundi, a Cameroonian student in Côte Ivoire.  
People living with HIV had been treated with ARVs for a median of 15 years. In PLHIV, compared to controls, the prevalences of hypertension (29% vs 34%, respectively) and diabetes (11% vs 15%) were not significantly different, while obesity (28% vs 40% ) and depression (8% vs 14%) were less common.  
From a functional point of view, 10% of PLHIV and 8% of controls had a low functionality score (SPPB), with no difference between the groups. Functioning difficulties (WHODAS) and depressive symptoms (PHQ-9) were less common in PLHIV than in controls. Finally, the level of physical activity was significantly higher in the population living with HIV than in the controls (C018).  
Finally, an ageing HIV population that's actually in GOOD SHAPE!  
Probably thanks to physical activity!  


VIHeillir maintains its commitment to building site capacity: training on HCV CV

In the space of a day, the HIVeillir Cameroon project implementation sites received training on the detection and quantification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA using the GeneXpert technique.        
The objective of this training: to update the technicians of the two sites on the use of GeneXpert in general and in the specific field of CV-HCV.        
2 technicians from the Yaoundé Military Hospital and         
1 technician from the Bafia District Hospital participated in this training.        

Cameroon and Senegal were represented through abstracts accepted in oral presentations, for each country.           
The conference provided an opportunity for the HIVeillir teams (Cameroon and Senegal) to meet a number of Expertise France managers, including Ms Ange Me- ralli and Ms Rebecca Gillard. The discussion provided an opportunity to share the difficulties facing the project and to receive advice on the communication and advocacy strategies to be put in place.            
With regard to the VIHeillir project, Dr Saidou Modibo, head of monitoring/evaluation of the VIHeillir project in Cameroon, made a presentation entitled: “Aging in good health with HIV, characteristics of the elderly population on antiretroviral treatment in Cameroon and in Senegal and data on cardiovascular risk factors”.


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