
   The Health Sector Support Section (HSSS) provides technical support to the Ministry of Public Health in the implementation of the health sector response. It works closely with the Direction de Lutte contre la Maladie, les Epidémies et les Pandémies to design, implement and monitor the AIDS response, as well as epidemiological surveillance and research on HIV/AIDS and STIs. Its mission is to


  • supervise the care of people living with HIV in health institutions and specialised and decentralised structures;  
  • Ensure the availability of anti-opportunistic drugs and medical equipment, as well as the continuous training of health care personnel;
  • Monitor, in collaboration with the relevant government departments, problems related to the availability and accessibility of antiretroviral drugs and quality assurance; 
  • Ensure the organisation, coordination and monitoring of activities to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV; 
  • Monitor psychosocial care in health facilities, voluntary testing centres, specialised facilities and social structures.