
The Local, Sectoral and Partnership Response Section (SRLSP) of the NACC organises quarterly coordination and monitoring meetings for 5 key actors in the response (TFPs, Sectors, CTDs, Communities, Religious Denominations). The aim of this activity is to strengthen the synergy, complementarity and effectiveness of the interventions of these actors. It includes the following actions, among others


  • Creation of a forum for consultation and dialogue between these key actors to exchange information, experiences, good practices and challenges in the fight against HIV/AIDS;   
  • Developing joint strategies and joint action plans, in line with the National Strategic Plan, to address the priority needs of target populations;   
  • Monitor, evaluate, quality control and capitalise on the results of the activities carried out by these actors (Gicam, GIZ and Reachout). 
  • Strengthen the advocacy, communication, social mobilisation and leadership capacities of community, Sectoral and faith-based groups; 
  • Mobilise the resources needed to implement HIV/AIDS response activities.